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D-2 Air Governor

D-2 Air Governor

Never condemn or adjust the governor pressure settings unless you have checked pressure with an accurate test gauge or a dash gauge that is registering accurately. Standard dash gauges are only required to be accurate to within +/- 10 percent.


Remember the following if adjustment is necessary:

  1. Turn the adjusting screw counter-clockwise to lower the air pressure setting.
  2. Turn the addjusting screw clockwise to increase the air pressure setting.
  3. Be careful not to overadjust. Each quarter turn of the adjusting screw raises or lowers the pressure setting approximately 4 psi.
  4. The cut-in and cut-out range is not adjustable.

The most common cause of governor failure is contamination. Blow out all attaching lines, hoses, etc when replacing a governor. Make sure the reservoir pressure sensing line is routed from the reservoir so that no contamination may enter the line and pass into the governor. A replacement D-2 air governor can be found here.

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