
Replace Bendix 101622X SR-4 Trailer Spring Brake Valve, 1/2″ NPT Reservoir

Product Description

  • Manufacturer: Bendix
  • Part Number: 101622X
  • Condition: Remanufactured
  • Supply:1/4″
  • Delivery:4 @ 3/8″ , 1 @ 1/4″
  • Reservoir:3/4″
  • Service:  1/4″
  • Approximate Weight:3.4 Lbs.
  • Notes:Reservoir Male Connector Port – 1/2″
  • Core Group:117SR4

The SR-2 and SR-4 spring brake valves are designed for use in trailer air brake system. The SR-2 differs from the SR-4 in that it uses a dedicated spring brake reservoir for release of the trailer spring brakes while the SR-4 utilizes the service reservoirs for this purpose. Mounted on one of the trailer reservoirs, these valves control both the parking and the emergency brake functions of the spring brakes and using integral pressure protection and check valves they isolate reservoir failures preventing automatic application of the trailer spring brakes. An integral anti-compound feature is part of both valves.

Cross References: 101622, 108076, 108076X, R955101622, 108076, KN20541, KN26000, K101622, SA152, 110170, 401187, 177166D, 51301, 51321, 034034, 3918397
A cross reference listing means that this valve is a suitable replacement for the part numbers listed. Some changes in air line plumbing may be required.


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